All about the Adelaide park lands

A guide for 21st century novices

This is an introductory work prefacing a larger study, Pastures of plenty, which can also be found on this website. This shorter book condenses the themes in the larger work. It explores the Adelaide park lands administrative and political history since 1998. The management of the globally renowned public land estate surrounding Australia’s small southern capital, the city of Adelaide, is subject to enduring debate. Created in 1837 by the city’s first Surveyor-General Colonel William Light, the Adelaide park lands are widely acknowledged as an exemplar feature of the city’s design. 

In this short work, John Bridgland discusses some of the reasons why the Adelaide community has struggled to understand the park lands management complexities. Readers can also explore how and why efforts to better protect the open spaces from exploitative development have not lived up to expectations.

In 2036, Adelaide will celebrate its 200th anniversary of settlement. In 2037, Adelaide will celebrate the anniversary of the creation by Colonel Light of the Adelaide City Plan, which includes the pastures and woodlands of the park lands surrounding the city. That event could prompt a pivotal moment of reflection among South Australia’s 1.8m inhabitants. This short book helps to identify the park lands management issues ahead of that time. It presents some ideas to ensure that the period leading up to that anniversary might see a more transparent and accountable management culture adopted for Adelaide’s unique landscape ‘jewel in the crown’.   Read more….